I was stunned this morning when I was doing my CBS (Community Bible Study) Bible Study on the book of Acts by a quote:
“Your ability to choose is God’s gift to you; what you become as a result of your choice is your gift to God.”
You should stop and consider this quote for a moment. Does it hit you square in the face just like it did me? Well, maybe it won’t, but lately I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching about my future. Sounds deep right? Well, for me, at this time in my life, my future is deeply personal and close to my heart. I’ve been struggling for a few years about what I’m supposed to do with my life, career-wise, now that all 3 of my kids are in school full-time. I long to contribute financially to my household and feel that God has gifted me in many ways to do so. I don’t just want a paycheck, I want a real ‘calling’ to pour my heart into…that produces an income that blesses my family and allows us to bless others. That’s what I’m looking for. Problem is, I have no idea what that looks like. I have been praying earnestly that God shows up in a mighty way and provide clear answers for me, as I’m totally lost as to what my calling looks like. And, you guys, I’ve been struggling with this for a couple years – not just the last few weeks. I get stuck in thinking that because I don’t have it figured out that God is not a work behind the scenes. But He IS!!! I just know it!
That is why this quote hit me so hard this morning. “Your ability to choose is God’s gift to you; what you become as a result of your choice is your gift to God.” You see, I’ve been so caught up in trying to find the exact, ONE, job that God wants me to have that I’ve forgotten that there are probably many jobs that I can do that God would be pleased with and that fit my personality. What God is after is my heart and what I become based off the job I choose. This way of thinking about my situation sure removes a lot of the pressure of finding the “perfect fit” and instead gives me a lot of grace. What about you? Are you facing a big decision that is super hard to make because you have too many options that all seem pretty good? I covet your prayers for my job situation and I’d be honored to pray for you as well – comment below and let me know how I can pray for you and I’ll do it!
Hugs to you all!
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