I thought I would take a few minutes to give you all a quick update on my Health Quest! I posted a personal status update yesterday after a trip to the doc and it generated a lot of buzz, so I figured I better let you all know the same great news. I went to my general practitioner yesterday for my yearly physical and the sweet nurse who did my vitals gave me some great news. You all know what’s is like to walk down the dreaded long hallway to the scale…right?? Well, I hopped right on that scale and she told me that I’d lost 20.5lbs since March! WAHOO!!! I had been in to the doc in March when I had a terrible head cold that I could not shake – which was right before we started our Whole30 journey! So, I’m happy to say that in as little as 5 months I’ve lost 20.5lbs and I’m stoked! Pretty cool I think! We are still sticking with a lot of ideas we learned during our Whole30 journey and it’s clearly working out great for us! We are not nearly as strict, but I’ve learned a lot of things about my body in the last couple years and even just in the last 5 months that I know are truths for me. If I do one thing I will achieve the same result – every time. For example, even though I love a crusty piece of sourdough bread, I know without a doubt now that if I eat it I will get a headache and it will add weight to my body. I don’t always make the best choices, but at least I know going in what my consequences will be.
Besides eating better, I’m making strides with my feet issues. Lately I have been able to run a lot more, which I can tell is increasing my metabolism – and we all know that the more you run or exercise the easier it becomes and the more enjoyable it is. I love running – but it’s hard to do – it’s not easy and even though I love it, I hate it just as much – especially when I’m smack dab in the middle of a workout and it’s 90 degrees outside (it’s been really hot here lately). But I love how it makes me feel afterwards – even if it’s only 2 miles! I also love the all-natural, sugar-free products I’m using now – AXIO for energy and Protandim for overall body function and recovery – both make a HUGE difference in being able to go for a 2-3mile run EVERY day! Before I started using these products I could not run every day – my body hurt too bad after a run to keep up – I would need a day in between to recover (even from a small run). Now, I’m good to go every day and sometimes even twice a day. I’m feeling a HUGE energy increase – which if you have read my blog for awhile, you know the biggest issue I faced a couple years ago was being so incredibly tired all the time. In fact, if you are interested and in learning more about Protandim and how it activates Nrf2 and helps to slow the natural aging process in your body, you should read an eBook I wrote all about it – it’s pretty cool stuff! I’m giving away this eBook FREE to all my loyal readers. You can download it here, now. Let me know what you think of it!
Someone asked me recently to put up my Top 10 List of Getting Healthy tips, so here you go:
Katrina’s Top 10 List to Get Healthy:
- Do a Whole30 Challenge – (you can read all my posts about my Whole30 challenge – read now).
- Limit white flour and refined sugar.
- Get 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
- Find a form of exercise you love and get MOVING! (running, dancing, yoga, spinning, biking, walking..etc).
- Take an all-natural Nrf2 activating supplement – like Protandim.
- Limit your sugary drinks – replace with an all-natural Nrf2 activating drink like AXIO. (I still drink AXIO first thing each morning and it does so much more for my mood and mental focus than coffee ever did! – BUT, I still have a cup of coffee with my girlfriends every now and then).
- Enter an exercise challenge group – sign up for a race, or enter a losing weight challenge at your gym – anything to boost your motivation to get moving.
- Exercise with your kids – play with them at the park, go for walks and bike rides, sign up for a family race!
- Create a list of go-to, easy, healthy recipes and keep those staples on hand so you always have what you need to create a quick, healthy family dinner.
- Find an amazing chiropractor, use them regularly, and give acupuncture a try! I love mine – Dr. Carrie Wolf of Wolf Chiropractic in Parker, CO! If you go see her, tell her I sent you!
My big bad medical degree told me to tell you all of that! :) Kidding (no medical degree for me – I have an art degree), that’s just what I’ve learned lately.
Well, that’s about it! Hugs!
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