Have you ever wanted to just shake your fist and scream at God, “What are you doing God?!” I know I have. Many, many, many times – over both big and small things. You know, when your son just won’t listen even though you have told him at least 10 times not to pick up the new puppy. Or, why didn’t I land that job I interviewed for that I wanted to badly? Or, how come her stay-at-home business is growing and thriving and mine isn’t? Or, will this sickness for my kids ever end?
I totally understand and have walked in your shoes and am currently walking that road right now. God is doing all sorts of things in my life that don’t make sense to me at all. I have many moments of being so frustrated that I want to shake my fists at him and scream! I had a realization the other day, who am I to question what God is doing? He’s got me in the palm of His hand and has all the details of my life worked out long before they even happen. He knows why questions go unanswered, why illnesses don’t heal and why relationships go sour. AND, He’s working them all out for my good and instead of being angry at Him, I choose to Trust. I encourage you to do so also. Trust Him!
” I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. ” – Jeremiah 29:11
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