Have you ever taken a stand for your beliefs? I have, quite a few times, and it can be really hard. Talk about dead silence, shocking stares from people who thought they knew you, and some serious fear! Let me share a secret with you though – I’m a very black and white person. There is not much gray in my life – at all. People who know me, either love this about me, or hate it. If you don’t know this about me yet, well, I’m sure you will soon, and you’ll either disregard everything I say or take some of it to heart.
I know I’m a lot to take at times, but this is me and it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with it. :) When is comes to right and wrong, I like being right, and I like to do what is right and expected of me. I don’t push the boundaries at all, there is always a very clear line drawn in the sand and I don’t cross it. I’ve been like this my whole life, it causes me to be very perfectionistic, as well as extremely self-motivated. While I don’t mind setting high goals for myself and working hard at trying to reach them, having to perfect all the time is exhausting. I’m learning to offer myself a lot of grace and if motherhood has taught me nothing else, it definitely has put me in my place and helped me realize that I can’t be perfect all the time, nor does God expect me to be – because then, what would I need Him for?
Back to my original topic – taking a stand for your beliefs. I tell you all this about my personality so you will understand that it’s not hard for me to take a stand for what I believe. I’m used to people disagreeing with me, and thinking that I’m crazy for being so rigid. As I’ve gotten older, this no longer bothers me. Lots of people don’t see the world through the same lense that I do and that’s ok! But, there are some that do, and the best part about taking a stand is that you may find other people who believe the same way you do, and were too scared to make it known. They may have needed to find you, and had you not shared your feelings, they might have never known you felt or believed the same thing.
My pastor was talking about this topic at church last weekend and he shared a story about Elijah and Obadiah from 1 Kings 18 and 19. Elijah thought that he was all alone as the only prophet left in all the land who loved, served and took a stand for God. When he was at his point of exhaustion and frustration, he was told that God had used Obadiah to reserve 7,000 in Israel who also believed in God as well! Elijah had fooled himself in thinking he was all alone in his devotion to God and really there were many more! I encourage you to take a stand for what you believe!
When I was thinking about this post, I was reminded of quite a few times when I took a stand for what I believed. The most significant time I can remember standing up for my beliefs came as a high school sophomore in my science class. We were discussing how the world came into existence and my teacher was passionately teaching us the Big Bang Theory. It was very clear that this was her belief as well. My problem came when I disagreed and asked if she was going to also teach the Creation Theory. She politely declined and then put me on the spot, in front of my 30 classmates, asking exactly what I believed. So I told her. I believed that God created the world and everything in it. Simple as that. This statement caused my class to erupt into a lot of commotion and opinions and within a few minutes I was being asked to leave class and go to the Principal’s office. Not kidding. So I did. Needless to say, I did not get into trouble for sharing my opinion, my teacher just didn’t know what to do with me and was annoyed at the commotion I caused.
A lot of good that came from that experience though. You see, there were a few other students in the class that believed the same thing I did; that God made the universe. They didn’t know me well enough to know that I shared their beliefs, but they approached me afterwards and believe it or not, we started a Prayer Group at our school. Our Prayer Group started small, but soon it was well over 50 students who were also wanting to spend a little bit of each day praying for our school and friends. May sound silly to some people, but it was a really neat group to be a part of. Taking a stand for my faith, even as a high schooler, led me to new friends with shared beliefs and I knew I was not alone.
All of this to say, you never know who needs to find you if you take a stand for what you believe. I dare you to try it, even if its in a small way.
I’d love to know some of your stories – how did you stand up for your faith? What was the outcome?
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