Are you worn out and exhausted and wondering why in the world you keep trying to make money with your side gig when it’s the millionth time that you have hosted a home meeting, brewed the coffee, baked the cookies, spent hours practicing your presentation, prepared handouts, creatively displayed your products, sent out tons of invites, received a long list of RSVP’s, only to have your phone ring over and over with cancellations 10 minutes before the meeting, and then no one shows up at all?
Or here, let me set a different scene – have you spent hours and hours waking up super early each morning to work on your blog – day after day – you are writing for hours and hours and usually that is between a child or two that decide to get up early too? You write, photograph, design beautiful “pin-worthy” images for every blog post, create catchy slogans, read every book by the famous bloggers who have made it, go to blog conventions, rub shoulders with celebrity bloggers, all to have your latest blog giveaway of a free lunch only have 3 people comments (and it’s a FREE lunch people…free…and you still can’t even get people to enter).
Both of these scenarios are in addition to everything else that is added on top of your regular daily jobs as a mom of cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, soccer practice, grocery shopping, school carpool, etc. – and somehow you are also trying to carve out time to be an entrepreneur and be successful because you have lofty dreams of one day being one of the celebrity bloggers you read devotedly each day, or one of the top level earners who just got a new car!
I’ve been there. I’m there now. I’ve been on the upside and have looked down and I’ve been at the very bottom. It’s all hard. There are pluses and minuses to both sides. But I think the biggest thing to remember in all of it is your attitude and how you look at your present circumstances. These are my top 5 tips on how I stay motivated to keep working towards my dreams:
- Remember that being broke is a state of mind. If you are an entrepreneur and already have a side gig, then you are leaps and bounds ahead of most people – broke people.
- Consistency is key – keep at it. Don’t give up. Hold on to the reason that you started your side gig to begin with.
- Identify your “why” and write it on a sticky note and paste it up on different places in your house to remind you of why you choose the struggle to have a side gig. If you don’t have a “why” then stop everything and identify it right now. Focus on it, and keep going.
- Surround yourself with people who encourage you to reach your goals – if they don’t get super excited when you are winning than they are not your friends.
- Your success is up to you. If you want to grow your business, it’s up to you – not anyone else. If you want your blog to be amazing, write amazing blog posts. If you want to take your business to the next level, then hustle and make it happen.
And finally, moms, give yourself some grace. If you don’t get it all done in one day, that’s ok. Like they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Give yourself grace, go to bed, and get up and try again. Just don’t ever stop trying!
We can do this together – plus I’m praying for you and would love you to pray for me too! Please feel free to send me an email with how I can be praying for you and your side gig! If you want to pray for me, please pray that God would direct my side gigs to be whatever He wants them to be and that I would humbly follow His direction. Hugs momma!
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