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Make Every Moment Count

Make Every Moment Count

October 28, 2014 10:57 pm0 comments

imageOk, so it’s overcast and a bit chilly outside, it’s one of those days you wish you could’ve stayed in bed late…and on top of that it’s a Monday…uggh, I hate Mondays…I was tired before the day even began! That was the conversation I was having in my head this morning at 5:45am when my alarm went off…should I get up and workout? Should I get up at all? Uggh, do I have to? I’m sooo tired…. But ya know what? I did get up – in fact both me the hubs got up at 5:45am and did our T25 Beta workout together. I really dislike working out, but I always tell myself it’s only 25mins and once it’s done, I feel awesome for the rest of the day! So by 7am I had already worked out, showered, dressed, and was in my kitchen packing school lunches and having my favorite cup of coffee (which I look forward to like Christmas morning). Talk about making the morning count! I don’t write this to make you feel bad if you are struggling with getting up and going in the mornings, but I write this to encourage you to make every moment of your day count.

As moms, we juggle so much everyday – from making sure we take care of ourselves, to then making sure we manage our household, our kids, and our marriages. It’s a never-ending To-Do list that gets very little praise. I feel like as soon as I finish washing laundry and putting it away, the entire process starts all over again (of course, laundry is seriously one of my least favorite chores to do…if I didn’t loathe it so much it probably wouldn’t take a week to wash, fold, and put away…but still…). Same with the kitchen floor – as soon as I sweep and mop it, the very next child that walks through the kitchen inevitably leaves a trail of sand, dirt, leaves, food, crumbs..etc and the floor is a mess again. It’s frustrating huh?

But you know what? I’ve learned over the years that having the cleanest house on the block doesn’t mean I win an award. And having all the laundry washed, folded, and put away as soon as possible each week, it’s going to make my kids love me more. And although having a spotless kitchen floor does keep the ants away, my kids have never begged me to please clean the floor vs. playing with them instead.   I do love a clean house, and I do like things to be tidy, but having my house spotless ALL the time doesn’t make me a better wife or mom. You have to find the balance in it all and make every moment count.

Here’s how to Make Every Moment Count:

  1. Get Up Early – exercise, spend some time with the Lord, get ready before your kids are up
  2. Make a To-Do List
  3. Schedule time during the day to specifically check Social Media – then turn it off
  4. Don’t get distracted by little things, pick a big item you want to tackle and just get it done
  5. Schedule your day and stick to it
  6. Build in time to rest and play with your kids
  7. Involve your kids as much as possible with your tasks
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