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Have You Ever Wanted To Be An Entrepreneur?

Have You Ever Wanted To Be An Entrepreneur?

Have you ever wanted to be an entrepreneur?  If your answer is no, I totally understand – I never wanted to be riskone either!  Now, does that surprise you?  It should – especially if you have read my blog and know that I’m a huge business person.  There is a difference in loving the art of business and actually being an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneur: a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.  

Did you read the part that said considerable risk?  Ok, stop everything right now – know this about me – I’m a WIMP!!!  A huge wimp.  It’s actually sort of funny because I have no problem talking to anyone, or being up on stage commanding a crowd, or leading a huge group of people to do some task – but when it comes to any sort of risk, I wimp out – big time!  Funny the way God made us huh?  The risk-taking part of being an entrepreneur is the hardest part for me and the biggest hurdle for me to cross.  But, I’ll admit, I have all the other parts covered – I love to organize, manage, and take initiative – and those three things outweigh my fear of risk and that’s why I’m an entrepreneur!

If you want to be an entrepreneur and have no idea where to start – I’ll tell you one thing, you already have crossed a big hurdle – desire - dreaming of more!  At the heart of every entrepreneur is a dream of more and that is a great place to start!  If you find yourself dreaming about firing your boss, or dreaming of having more time to spend with your family, or simply dreaming of having more income coming into your household, then it’s time to get started!  Being an entrepreneur doesn’t have to be overly complicated – simply decide it’s time to do something.   Figure out your strengths and limitations, and then start considering your options.

For example, you might be a stay-at-home-mom like me and dream of making some extra income for your household to pay bills and maybe save a little for a newer used car.  You know you are good at sewing and cooking, but you also know your time is limited because you have young kids.  You realize that a lot of people need their clothes tailored or mended and you decide to start an in-home sewing/tailoring business for your friends and neighbors, that you can do a couple hours a day Are You An Entrepreneurwhen your kids are napping – and tadaa – an entrepreneur is born!  It’s really that simple!  It just takes some desire, passion, purpose and a drive to go for it!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!  If you have any questions – comment and I’ll try to help as best I can!

I recently posted a video of my journey to becoming an entrepreneur – if you didn’t get a chance to watch it yet, you can now - WATCH NOW.


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July 28, 20150 commentsRead More